Simple and effective strategies to shrink your belly fat

  The Principles of the Belly Fat Diet The Belly Fat Diet shows you how to lose weight in a healthy way, without being ridiculously restrictive, and to learn how to manage your weight for life. As much as everyone wants to look good in jeans, being healthy is the most important thing. The Belly Fat Diet plan isn’t a diet that you go on and off. Instead, it’s a lifestyle change. Read more at: Chuck the junk The first step to this lifestyle change is to cut temptation and remove all bellybusting foods from your pantry. Some items can be donated to a food pantry, shelter, or soup kitchen. Others should just be tossed in the trash. What to Donate ✓ Canned vegetables, soups, or meats ✓ White rice/flavored rice/white pasta ✓ Instant oatmeal ✓ Fruit juice ✓ Low-fiber cereals ✓ Vegetable oil What to Toss ✓ Butter ✓ Snack foods containing partially hydrogenated oils ✓ Processed, high-fat meats ✓ Pre-fried frozen foods ✓ Candy ✓ Carbonated beverages, including diet soda,

5 best diet for weight loss

                                                                                     5 best diet for weight loss 

Paleo diet

The paleo diet states that you should eat the same foods that your hunter-gatherer ancestors ate before the development of agriculture. The theory suggests that most modern diseases are related to the Western diet and the consumption of grains, dairy products and processed foods. Although it is controversial whether this diet actually provided the same food that your ancestors ate, it is associated with several impressive health benefits. How it works: The paleo diet emphasizes whole foods, lean protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, while discouraging processed foods, sugar, dairy products, and grains. Some of the more flexible versions of the paleo diet also allow dairy products like cheese and butter, and tubers like potatoes and sweet potatoes. Weight loss: Several studies have shown that the paleo diet can significantly reduce weight and waist circumference. Other benefits: Diet seems to be effective in reducing risk factors for heart disease, such as cholesterol, blood sugar, blood triglycerides and blood pressure.

Low Carb diet

Low-carbohydrate diets have been popular for decades-especially when it comes to weight loss. There are several types of low-carbohydrate diets, but all involve limiting carbohydrate intake to 20-150 grams per day. The main purpose of the diet is to force your body to use more fat as fuel instead of using carbohydrates as the main source of energy. How it works: A low-carbohydrate diet emphasizes unlimited amounts of protein and fat, while strictly limiting carbohydrate intake. When carbohydrate intake is very low, fatty acids enter your blood and are transported to your liver, where some of them become ketones. Then, your body can use fatty acids and ketones as its main energy source without carbohydrates. Weight loss: A large number of studies have shown that low-carbohydrate diets are very helpful for weight loss, especially for overweight and obese people. They seem to be very effective in reducing the risk of the abdomen.

Ultra low fat diet

The ultra-low-fat diet limits fat consumption to less than 10% of daily calories. Generally speaking, a low-fat diet provides approximately 30% of calories in the form of fat. Studies have shown that this diet is not effective for weight loss in the long run. Proponents of the ultra-low-fat diet claim that the fat content of the traditional low-fat diet is not low enough, and the fat intake needs to be kept below 10% of the total calories to produce health benefits and weight loss. How it works: An ultra-low-fat diet contains 10% or less fat calories. The diet is mainly plant-based and the intake of animal products is limited. Therefore, its carbohydrate content is usually high-about 80% of calories-very low in protein-10% of calories. Other benefits: Studies have shown that ultra-low-fat diets can improve several risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and inflammatory markers.

Vegan diet

The vegan diet restricts all animal products for ethical, environmental or health reasons. Vegetarianism is also related to resistance to animal exploitation and abuse. How it works: Vegetarianism is the strictest form of vegetarianism. In addition to eliminating meat, it also eliminates dairy products, eggs, and animal-derived products such as gelatin, honey, albumin, whey, casein, and some forms of vitamin D3. Weight loss: The vegan diet seems to be very effective in helping people lose weight-usually without counting calories-because it is low in fat and high in fiber, which may make you feel fuller. Compared with other diets, a vegan diet is always associated with a lower body weight and body mass index (BMI). An 18-week study showed that people on a vegan diet lost 9.3 pounds (4.2 kg) more than those on a controlled diet. The vegetarian group was allowed to eat all-you-can-eat, but the control group had to restrict calories. Weight loss on a vegan diet is mainly related to calorie reduction. 

Intermittent fasting 

Intermittent fasting causes your body to cycle between fasting and eating. It is not to limit the food you eat, but to control when you eat. Therefore, it is more like a diet rather than a diet. The most popular method of intermittent fasting is 16/8 method: skip breakfast, limit the daily eating time to less than 8 hours, and then fast for the remaining 16 hours of the day. Eating and stopping method: including fasting for 24 hours on non-consecutive days once or twice a week. 5:2 Diet: You limit your intake to 500-600 calories for two consecutive days in a week. You do not limit your intake  for the remaining five days. Warrior diet: Eat a small amount of raw fruits and vegetables during the day and a large meal at night. Intermittent fasting is often used for weight loss because it leads to relatively easy calorie restriction.

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