Simple and effective strategies to shrink your belly fat

  The Principles of the Belly Fat Diet The Belly Fat Diet shows you how to lose weight in a healthy way, without being ridiculously restrictive, and to learn how to manage your weight for life. As much as everyone wants to look good in jeans, being healthy is the most important thing. The Belly Fat Diet plan isn’t a diet that you go on and off. Instead, it’s a lifestyle change. Read more at: Chuck the junk The first step to this lifestyle change is to cut temptation and remove all bellybusting foods from your pantry. Some items can be donated to a food pantry, shelter, or soup kitchen. Others should just be tossed in the trash. What to Donate ✓ Canned vegetables, soups, or meats ✓ White rice/flavored rice/white pasta ✓ Instant oatmeal ✓ Fruit juice ✓ Low-fiber cereals ✓ Vegetable oil What to Toss ✓ Butter ✓ Snack foods containing partially hydrogenated oils ✓ Processed, high-fat meats ✓ Pre-fried frozen foods ✓ Candy ✓ Carbonated beverages, including diet soda,

10 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make When Trying to Lose Weight

 10 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make When Trying to Lose Weight

Losing weight is one of the best things you can do to improve your health and feel better overall. However, if you go about losing weight in the wrong way, it can backfire and have the opposite effect – making you feel even worse than when you started. If you want to get the most out of your weight loss goals, avoid these mistakes that people often make when trying to lose weight.

mistake #1

Believing weight loss comes easily.

mistake #2

Skipping Meals. People who skip meals do not lose weight and in fact, might gain weight instead! Skipping meals results in hormonal changes that cause your body to store more fat than it burns and increase your appetite. Avoiding meal skipping at all costs is critical for safe weight loss.

mistake #3

you're focusing on weight loss instead of health - why is weight loss important? because it makes you healthier. if you just focus on weight loss and ignore your health, there's a good chance that any lost weight will come back with a vengeance once you've finished dieting. after all, when was your last physical? make sure you know what your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar are before you start a new diet!

mistake #4

Not paying attention to your health- I understand that you want to look and feel great, but sometimes we are so excited about losing weight that we do not consider our health. Your weight is just a number if it means that you compromise your health. If you are losing weight at a speed faster than your body can keep up with, then you will experience major health problems. Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting any dieting regime or exercise program and make sure it is safe for you in particular.

mistake #5

Eating too little, which forces your body into starvation mode. you might think, if i just don't eat anything at all, i'll lose weight! but that's not how it works. instead of going into starvation mode, you end up eating too little—which can also lead to higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and an increased risk for binge-eating later on.

mistake #6

Losing sleep in order to lose weight. Skimping on sleep not only slows down your metabolism, it also lowers production of leptin and ghrelin—chemicals that make you feel full and hungry. One study found a link between too little sleep and weight gain over time, especially among women who were not receiving enough Zzzs. Sleep well!

mistake #7

Settling for a Plate of Ice Cream Instead of Getting More Sleep: Sleep problems are often one of those little things that adds up over time and leads to weight gain. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your body isn’t able to function properly. Not only does it impact your mental acuity and ability to concentrate, but sleep deprivation may actually lead you to develop a sugar craving (particularly for refined carbs) that can last for days or even weeks at a time.

mistake #8

skipping meals - It may seem counterintuitive, but skipping meals isn’t a good way to lose weight. The average person consumes about 2000 calories per day. In order to successfully lose weight with daily calorie intake, you need to burn more than 2000 calories each day.

mistake #9

Don’t try fad diets. Fad diets are so unhealthy because they don’t allow you to eat a variety of food, and often times these short-term diet programs prohibit you from having your favorite foods. If you do decide to try a fad diet, make sure it’s not something that lasts too long—no longer than 6 weeks or so. And never go on one of these diets without getting your doctor’s consent first.

mistake #10. 

Not setting a realistic time frame.

Setting unrealistic goals, like losing 15 pounds in two weeks, sets you up for failure and discourages you from even trying. Instead, focus on short-term goals, such as losing one pound a week or working out three times a week. This can still provide progress toward your long-term goal.


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